Toolkit for Quake
Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso
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File List
34 lines
----------[ Quake Toolkit. SEP 1996. Walnut Creek CDROM. ]----------
Directory of Directories - Select Your Choice(s) By Number
You may download any individual area with a ".DIR" extension
1.DIR 2.DIR 3.DIR 4.DIR...31.DIR
1 Recorded demos from Quake 2 Docs on Console commands
3 Docs on Quake Editing 4 Quake F.A.Q.'s
5 Playing Quake multiplayer 6 rec.games.computer.quake docs
7 Walnut Creek CDROM Docs 8 Graphics patches and programs
9 Miscellneous graphics programs 10 Screenshots of Quake
11 Texture packages in wad format 12 Addon levels 0_9
13 Addon levels a_c 14 Addon levels d_f
15 Addon levels g_i 16 Addon levels j_l
17 Addon levels m_o 18 Addon levels p_r
19 Addon levels s_u 20 Addon levels v_z
21 Editing example levels 22 Add-on single player levels
23 Server administration patches 24 Miscellaneous QuakeC patches
25 Monster altering patches 26 Magic Spell Patches
27 Teamplay QuakeC patches 28 QuakeC compiler binaries
29 QuakeC weapon patches 30 BSP creation utilities
31 Frontend launchers for Quake 32 Utils for editing Quake util
33 Map editing programs 34 Quake on a network utilities
35 Quake in unix utilities
-[Just press "A" to pick your choices or "Enter" to continue]-{PB
To List a Directory use L 1 2 5 6 7 10 17 28 31 (ie., the Dirs you want)
Download - #.Dir for Directory Listing of your choice - where the # is
the Directory Number you want to download.